


  • About us

    The EIANZ is a not for profit, professional association for environmental practitioners from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

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  • Institute History

    The EIANZ evolved from a workshop in 1986 at Griffith University involving environmental practitioners from a cross-section of environmental disciplines.

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  • Institute Structure

    EIANZ is governed by an elected seven person Board. The Advisory Council is the primary link between the Board and members through the Australian Divisions, the New Zealand Chapter and Special Interest Sections.

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  • Corporate and Governance

    EIANZ is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2012. The Institute is governed by its Rules of Association as required under the Act.

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  • Partnerships

    Through partnerships with likeminded organisations, EIANZ is pleased to be able to offer additional and varied benefits to our members..

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